On 25 March the Belarusian Embassy in The Hague was picketed on the occasion of the Freedom Day
Charter97.org, een Wit-Russische website heeft bericht over de demonstratie voor Belarus, georganiseerd door PerspectieF. Lees hieronder de Engelse vertaling.
The picket was organised by PerspectivE - the youth branch of the ChristenUnie party, which currently has seats in the government.
The picket was also supported by a number of others political youth organizations and NGOs.
About 25 people got together in order to support the Belarusian opposition and present their petition to the Belarusian ambassador. In the petition the organizers of the picket urge the Belarusian authorities to respect democratic principles, organise free and fair elections, respect human rights, namely freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of press and freedom of worship; and also to reform the Belarusian legislation in compliance with international standards.
Zie ook: http://www.charter97.org/ru/news/2009/3/26/16624/
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Archief > 2009 > april
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