Uitnodiging regionale conferentie ECPYN: 'Who's going to pay?'

ECPYNlogo100bij100vrijdag 16 september 2011 19:45

The most discussed topic these days in Europe is the financial crisis. Therefore ECPYN (European Christian Political Youth Network) organizes a Western European conference about the Christian Democratic view on the economic crisis in the weekend of 14, 15 and 16 October in St. Vith (Belgium). It will be a training weekend for young people involved in political organizations from Western Europe.

During the financial crisis, a lot of European countries are receiving help from the European Union. We want to share and discuss about our position as Christians during the crisis; do we have the responsibility to pay for the European countries who keep asking for more help and money? Do we have to pay more and more to the other European suffering countries?

The conference will be organised by the European Christian Political Youth Network (ECPYN); a political association of youth organisations from all over Europe together with PerspectieF (youth of the ChristianUnion, NL). Expert speakers will give lectures about this topic. This training weekend will also include interesting workshops. It is obviously a good opportunity for meeting politically involved young Christians democrats from neighbouring countries. Partcipation for the whole weekend costs EUR 30,-

Do you want to join this educative and inspiring conference? You are welcome! For more information and application visit our website.


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