YIMD Partnershipday

YIMDmaandag 27 augustus 2007 22:55

Op 13 september organiseert het YIMD (Youth Institute for Multiparty Democracy) haar Partnershipday als onderdeel van de Partnershipdays van moederorganisatie NIMD. Jongeren van politieke jongerenorganisaties uit Ghana, Kenia en Tanzania komen naar Nederland voor een ontmoeting met elkaar en met de Nederlandse PJO´s. PerspectieF is al sinds het begin betrokken bij het YIMD en zal ook op deze Partnershipday aanwezig zijn.

Naast de aanwezigheid van een aantal bestuursleden en YIMD-leden is er nog beperkte ruimte voor andere geïnteresseerde PerspectieF-ers.

Vind je het leuk om het programma van deze dag bij te wonen, meld je dan aan bij Jasper Maas: jasper_maas_dieren@hotmail.com

Zie hieronder voor de uitnodiging en het programma en kijk voor meer informatie over het YIMD/NIMD op www.yimd.org / www.nimd.org  


Youth Institute for Multiparty Democracy 



as part of the NIMD Partnershipdays 


Thursday September 13th 2007 


Cooperation   -   Democracy   -   Youth   -   Partners   -   Future 


Chairs / International Secretaries of Netherlands PYOs 

The future of developing democracies depends crucially on the contribution of countries’ young people to the advancement of their institutions and ideals. The YIMD Partnershipday, will provide a platform for young politicians from Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania to share experiences and views with members of PYOs from the Netherlands. Special attention will be given to issues of participation campaigns, the position of youth wings in political parties, and the future of political youth in our countries. The programme will be moderated by Jeroen de Veth.  

YIMD invites up to two board members or their representatives of the political youth organizations in the Netherlands to attend the seminar. In addition, all the YIMD members or a substitute are invited to participate. There is also a limited amount of places for other interested PJO members. You are kindly asked to inform YIMD if you want to participate.  

We hope to welcome you at this seminar. Your presence will enable young politicians from both Africa and the Netherlands to learn from each other and better understand each others’ situation. 


Kind regards,  
On behalf of YIMD,

Marije van Schaik (Chair) 

Please find attached a participants list, location, and preliminary programme. 


Mr. Yusuf Abubakar Mahmoud Shirikisho Party (Secr.Gen.)   Kenya

Ms. Jane Florence Njiru  Ford Asili (Youth Coördn.)   Kenya

Ms. Mwmvita Makamba Gray CCM (Party youth cadre)   Tanzania

Mr. John John Mnyika  Chadema (Dir. of Youth)   Tanzania

Mr. Charles Owiredu   New Patriotic Party (Youth Member)  Ghana

Mrs. Susan Adu-Amankwah   Convention Peoples Party (Youth Member) Ghana

Mr. Adriano Manuel Amade Malach  NIMD coordinator     Mozambique

Ms. Doris Cruz    Regional representative NIMD   Guatemala 

Political youth organisations from the Netherlands will be represented by board members or representatives and the YIMD representatives and members.  


JOVD Office
Herengracht 38a

The Hague 


Preliminary programme

9:30 – 9:45 Welcome and introduction 


9:45 – 12:30  Presentations of the political youth participation in Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania and The Netherlands. 


12:30 – 13:30 Lunch 

13:30 – 14:00 Youth participation campaigns in practice: Experience from Guatemala

YIMD cooperates with the Guatemalan Foro on Youth participation and has a permanent representative in Guatemala 


14:00 – 16:00 Discussion: Strategic Youth Participation   

16:00 – 16:30 Adopting Statement



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