Politiek Cafe: Right-wing populism in Europe

political cafevrijdag 17 februari 2017 19:45

ECPYouth organiseerd in samenwerking met PerspectieF een Policitcal Cafe op 17 februari, in het KadeCafe te Amersfoort vanaf 19.45.

‘What to do with right-wing populism in Europe’? This is the topic of the first ECPYouth Political Café, held in Amersfoort in the Netherlands on the 17th of February 2017 and co-hosted by SGP-jongeren and PerspectieF, ChristenUnie-jongeren.

Even though we’re all Christian young people, thís subject is the cause of many disputes. Many of us are not sure what to think about Trump, about right-wing parties, or about populism in general. Is it ok to support them? Is it not? We feel it’s important as Christian youth to speak about these questions, for we will have to deal with them as the future generation. Christians from all over Europe have very different views on the matter and ECPYouth, together with SGPJ and PerspectieF, wants to give you the opportunity to discuss this together.

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