European Youth Prayer Breakfast 2016

You as young European citizens are welcome to aid ECPYouth in prayer during the second European Youth Prayer Breakfast in the European Parliament in Brussels on Thursday December 8th. Together, we want to make a stand against the growing polarization portrayed by Brexit, refugee-discussions, the rise of right-wing movements and even Trump. Besides prayer, there will be music (Worship band eSPé from Slovakia), speakers and of course food.
The event will start at 7.30h (entry) and will finish two hours later at 9.30h. The breakfast will be hosted by MEP Branislav Škripek and speakers are Christel Ngnambi (EEA) and Guido van Beusekom (ECPM). Register before November 30th! You can find the full program and the details on our
- Labels
Archief > 2016 > november
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- 19-11-2016 19-11-2016 18:00 - European Youth Prayer Breakfast 2016
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